This product is on backorder until approximately March 16th 2025. Sorry for the inconvenience and we thank you for your understanding!
Enhanced Qi Bomb pain salve has been created over 15 years and is the best! We reformulated it recently, and adjusted ingredients for even better absorption and pain relief. After many years of trials, we came up with the perfect product. Initially inspired by jiao, a Chinese liniment infused in alcohol, this formula smells and feels much better then the original goal set. The results speak for themselves working quickly to relax muscles and treat pain related conditions. We feel comfortable about selling this CBD based formula to people who live in states in which it is legal. Formulated with a blend of Chinese herbs, it works well with western and Hawaiian herbs to reduce swelling, increase blood flow, reduce and usually relieves painful muscles, joints, broken bones, and other issues. Patients report it has shown to shrink and disperse nodules (cysts) as it moves the blood under the skin. We also love to apply it to any arthritic joint, especially hands and feet for pain!
In clinic, it is commonly used and reported beneficial for:
- Neck & Back pain
- Shoulder injuries & rotator cuff injuries
- Knee injuries and rehabilitation of joints
- Tendon & Ligament sprains/strains
- Fascia and connective tissue damage
- Cysts
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
At stores and our Princeville farmers market you can find both sizes. The website sales are the larger 60ml jars.
What is the best GIFT? Qi balm is a popular gift for a friend or family member! We have set up a monthly subscription for you and your loved ones. You can cancel at any time but you will probably enjoy using it daily and if you have an extra, give the gift of pain relief to someone you care about!
Nourishing Hand Treatment
1) Soak hands in Epsom salt hand bath with hot water nearing bed time
2) Immediately after, generously apply Qi Bomb on hands
3) Put on gloves of your choice and go to sleep
Your hands work hard for you everyday. Give them the reward of deep healing nourishment.
Love Your Feet Treatment
1) Soak feet in Epsom salt foot bath with hot water nearing bedtime
2) Immediately after, generously apply Qi Bomb covering feet and ankles
3) Put on socks that will trap in the heat and go to bed
Your feet take you everywhere in life and they start to hurt when they are crying out for care. Love them and they will reward you with many pain free miles ahead.
SPECIAL DISCOUNT SUBSCRIPTION = $40 for a monthly supply!
We keep improving the formula and almost had to increase the price this new year but decided to push it as long as we can! Someday we will need to increase the price with inflation rising but we are going to hold strong as long as possible!
If you end up with an extra bottle over time, it makes the absolute BEST GIFT for a friend or loved one in pain! You can end it at anytime online or by contacting us. We are happy you love this product as much as we do. Mahalo for your support!
Aloha, all shipping is now a flat rate of $7! No matter how large or small your order $7!
- Wholesalers pay for their exact shipment weight with flat rate- no extra fees.
Thanks for for your support and continued business!
If pain is not relieved, or gets worse, please visit your doctor.
*This product is not shipped to Nebraska, South Dakota, and internationally. Thank you for understanding.
Statement has not been evaluated by the FDA, products made by Anahata Health do not claim to cure, treat, or prevent diseases. There is no claim they are completely safe and if there is concern, please check with your PCP before using.