Boo-Boo Balm is an incredible salve that is effective in regenerating the epithelial layer of small wounds and cuts that don't require stitches. All of the herbs in this formula are specifically used in traditional medicine for slowing down and stopping bleeding (externally), as well as healing open wounds. We have had a lot of feedback about how it repairs skin irritations such as many rashes, burns, and bug bites. In addition, it is so soothing and aromatic that people use it on arms and legs for helping restore weak, dry, or thin skin. People often report it is safe to use around eyes, nose, mouth, vagina, and other delicate areas. And people have often said it helps lift saggy eyes if used before bed. As well, people have reported it "saved their skin from serious burns" when there was little time and the hospital was far away, they said they used Boo Boo balm and it prevented blistering. While we do recommend immediately going to the urgent care or hospital if you suspect bad burns, it's not a bad idea to have this on hand and use it while in route on clean skin as it has a great track record!
This is a 60ml jar, the same size as the wide mouth Qi Balm.
Don't double dip! Use a fresh Q-Tip for each dip/application. USE ON CLEAN SKIN! Must remove any dirt, rock, reef or debris with antibacterial soap and water, Hibacleanse or other antibacterial soap first.
Remember: The Only Way The Herbs Will Work, Is If YOU TAKE THEM DAILY
Statement has not been evaluated by the FDA, products made by Anahata Health do not claim to cure, treat, or prevent diseases. There is no claim they are completely safe and if there is concern, please check with your PCP before using.