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Writer's pictureFlora Freeauf

Everyone LOVES Qi Balm... the world's best CBD pain Salve.

Updated: Aug 28

Just when you thought a topical salve couldn't get any better, we are now offering an extra tool that enhances the already potent medicine. If you've received a treatment from Dr. Flora, you've likely experienced the amazing benefits of moxibustion (a warming herb called mugwort) combined with Qi Balm to relieve muscle or joint pain. Now we are offering moxa sticks in our online store with step-by-step instructions on how to use it safely at home!


Created over 15 years by a Chinese medicine doctor, Dr. Flora uses the best combination of Chinese and Hawaiian herbs for increasing circulation and reducing inflammation in the joints and muscles. Qi Balm, improves lymphatic and Qi flow relieving stagnation improving overall joint function and relieving muscular pain. It rapidly speeds up healing time when its used daily; for acute injuries, we recommend Qi balm 2-3 times a day and moxa one time after applying salve.


  1. Rub a penny to nickel size dab of Qi Balm in your hands for 20 seconds and then massage into the area you want relief.

  2. Light one end of the moxa stick and blow on the end until one entire end has a fully glowing cherry. You can blow on it to help it along and can use a candle to prevent burning your finger with a hot lighter.

  3. The outer sleeve is loose around the inner stick, so be sure to hold it tightly so it will not slip and burn the skin or discard of it before you start.

  4. There are different techniques but the easiest is to always keep one hand on the skin as a guide, and the other hand should be about an inch away from the skin. Keep the stick moving and keep your eyes on it at all times so you don't burn the skin.

  5. You can do this for 5-10 minutes on the affected area once. Read below.

  6. * Putting out moxa properly is super important. Pop off the entire cherry into an ash tray, bowl or glass or dirt or sand. Then smudge the end until it is 100% out. You should be able to touch the end and if there is a tiny ember burning it will keep smoldering and will not stop! Just to be safe, place it in a glass or ash tray unless you're certain its out.

DON'T use moxa on diabetics.

DON'T use near artery.

DON'T use moxa near the orifices or on face unless skilled with great care.


Moxibustion is a truly amazing tool, synergistic together with acupuncture and especially when combined with Qi Balm. It warms and nourishes the muscles, connective tissue, ligaments and tendons as deep as the bone. It aids in organ function,


-Acute injuries (without heat and swelling). If this is the case, stick to just using Qi balm and see a practitioner who can help facilitate the best treatment.

-Chronic pain injuries. Where there is stagnation, and lack of circulation, Qi balm and moxa are generally really helpful. If there is feeling of heat under the skin and swelling. it's still recommended for you to see a professional, but the heat usually resolves on its own in chronic cases.

-Joint pain: Qi balm with moxa is lovely for shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists, spine, SI joint, really any joint generally loves the increased circulation from the combination. Careful around delicate areas such as the neck and jaw, as the skin is more fragile, and people generally don't like smoke wafting in their face. It is possible when done with care to not smoke them out and it is amazing for jaw and neck pain with Qi balm.

-Lower back pain: Tried and true muscle relief for lower back pain with Qi balm!

-Everyone LOVES Qi Balm for Arthritis! It works amazingly well and is often combined with moxa but only if it's osteoarthritis not rheumatoid arthritis.

Dr. Flora is not liable for any burns or injuries that occur with home treatments. This method is meant to be practiced with great care for your body and safely extinguished for your safety and your home. If you do burn yourself with anything, Boo Boo Balm is very helpful especially when applied immediately.

Stay tuned.. VIDEO Tutorial coming soon!

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